How times have changed. For the worse, naturally. When I started out teaching 27 years ago, we had "photocopier boys" (or girls). With time, the photocopier person became the "maintenance man" (or woman) and, a few more years down the road, the maintenance person was now the "maintenance manager" (or womanager). Then the maintenance person got tired of doing the maintenance themself, and decided that henceforth s/he would be the "maintenance management manager" (or womanagement womanager).

So, anyway, I wasn't totally surprised to find this morning that my company has now taken maintenance management "to the next level". The good news was my request for a corkboard on my office wall had finally been approved; the bad news was I had to do it myself (see photo). Oh, and could I "please return the hammer" once I'd got my corkboard up against the wall?
